Friday 22 April 2011



Players stand in pairs face to face and decide who will be player one and who will be player two. Player one is the leader and begins to move slowly, player two is the reflexion and must try to mirror player one's movements. After a few minutes the roles are changed. Players should work towards the changes being impossible to see and therefore who is leading and who is following. This activity demands that the players see the "whole" of the other player, to concentrate and to work together.


In pairs the players perform the mirror exercise including vocal reflection by speaking at the same time and saying the same thing.


Three players create and interview scene. One player is the interviewer, the other two are the guest (one guest, the two players act as one person). The guest must answer the interviewer's questions at the same time saying the same thing, trying to develop a "twin connection".


Put the group in two lines facing each other. Each line works as one person together. They must develop a dialogue between line A and line B, being line A one person and line B another person.

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