Friday 22 April 2011


Dear Diary...
I am princess Doo and well loved by my father the Lion King. When it was time for me to get married, my father had a test for all my suitors before he would determine who is suitable to marry me.
He invited all the other animals in our kingdom and presented six seeds of small pepper saying that any animal who could chew the seeds one after the other without feeling its pinch or hotness it would marry me.
The dog tried first but could not keep its tongue in the mouth as it felt the hotness of the pepper.
Next came the cat, the elephant, the donkey, horse and giraffe. All the other animals tried and all failed. Finally came the hare. It decided that it would sing while chewing the pepper. It song and chew and song and chewed until it chewed all six seeds. Unknown to my father, the song was a method it used to expel the hotness of the pepper and cool its tongue.
Finally I am happily married to my wise husband the hare who was smarter tan all the other animals.
Its song was:
A sange a mbakpa a trata...
or la ya ya...
nana tough ya...
kwase a bunda nan...
In English:
The six seeds of pepper...
the who eats it...
and shows its hotness...
the new bride...
he losses....

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